U3A stands for University of the Third Age. A U3A is a university in the original sense of the word: a community of people devoted to learning. We are a volunteer co-operative of older people who share many educational, creative and leisure activities. Although it is called a "university", being in your Third Age is the only qualification needed to participate in our U3A.
The office is open during the U3A Dandenong semesters. See Contact Us for Office address and hours during semester.
Note: the centre is closed to the general public. When you arrive at the centre, please ring the office on 9546 2997.
U3A Dandenong Insurance Statement
U3A Dandenong Inc. is insured with VMIA established by the Victorian State Government. This does not include cover for Personal injury that members may incur during U3A Dandenong activities. Members must be able to physically cope with the activities in which they enrol.
As per the Health and Safety Policy - Members are expected to accept that they are responsible for their personal safety.